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  • Ferrofish Pulse 16 MX

    1,349.00 USD

    Ferrofish Pulse 16 MX -- High-quality solution to connect a wide range of Analog, MADI, and ADAT equipment to a mixer or a computer interface -- with up to 192 kHz

  • Ferrofish Pulse 16

    1,099.00 USD

    Ferrofish PULSE 16 -- High-quality solution for connecting a wide range of external analog / ADAT studio equipment to a mixer or a computer interface.

  • Ferrofish A32pro Dante

    3,999.00 USD

    Ferrofish A32pro Dante -- Unique solution to convert & route pro audio formats with the highest I/O density in a single HU rack device

  • Ferrofish A32pro

    2,999.00 USD

    Ferrofish A32pro -- Unique solution to convert & route pro audio formats with the highest I/O density in a single HU rack device.

  • Ferrofish Pulse16DX

    2,149.00 USD

    The PULSE16DX is the high-quality solution to connect and route a wide range of Analog, MADI, ADAT and Dante equipment – with up to 192 kHz.