PSC Solice Mini Mixer

PSC Solice Mini Mixer

The new PSC Solice Mini mixer is designed for use by today’s professional sound mixer who needs a simple, compact, convenient mixer for use with up to two boom microphones and up to six wireless. The Solice Mini mixer provides all of the functions found on most control surfaces


Hands on the Tascam HS-P82

Nearly a month ago, we introduced Tascam’s new line of recorders. Now that we’ve received our first HS-P82, it is clear Tascam had a specific user in mind–those with smaller budgets, but high quality tastes. The touchscreen interface, dedicated knobs/switches, and natural controls layout lead users through a quick learning curve regardless of their level […]


PSC Refines the Solice Mixer

Since the original review of the PSC Solice mixer of April 2009, PSC has responded with several improvements as described below. It is a credit to PSC that they responded so quickly, and an added bonus that they are offering all of these refinements to existing Solice owners at no charge. Below is a description […]


Glen Trew reviews the new PSC Solice mixer

  SEPT. 2009 NOTE: After reading this review, please read about the important refinements that PSC applied to the Solice mixer after this review. SOLICE REFINEMENTS, Sept. 2009   APRIL 8, 2009 It sounds great. When listening to a Sennheiser 8040 through the Solice for the first time, I was betting this mixer had transformerless inputs. A quick […]